We were inspected by Ofsted in November 2024 during Ofsted’s transition period, moving towards a new Ofsted Framework and the introduction of ‘report cards’ in September 2025. Under the arrangements at that time, Ofsted Inspectors graded and reported on four key areas (quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management), plus Early Years provision and, in addition, simply judged safeguarding as either effective or ineffective.
Some highlights from the report include:
"Pupils have a positive attitude to their learning. Staff praise them for persevering in their learning, and for trying new experiences."
"Children in the early years settle into school routines quickly."
"In the playground and in classrooms, pupils interact well with one another. They feel confident in asking staff to help them with any worries or concerns that they have."
"Lessons are calm and focused. Staff are consistent in how they expect pupils to behave. This helps pupils to make the most of their time for learning."
"The teaching of early reading is a strength of the school. Staff are precise in ensuring that pupils have understood each letter or sound before they move on. If pupils need additional practice, staff listen to them read regularly. Over time, weaker readers become more confident and fluent."
"The school has improved pupils’ attendance substantially over the last year. Staff work tirelessly to support families who find attendance and punctuality difficult. The school makes sure that they understand these barriers and find ways to overcome them. For example, personalised welcomes help pupils to overcome anxieties about arriving at school."
"Throughout the school, pupils develop the positive attitudes that the school intends for them. They behave well, and they focus their attention on learning."
"Pupils know how to stay safe, especially online. Children in the early years learn about the importance of healthy eating and staying active. Assemblies, visits and workshops extend pupils’ cultural learning. Through planned discussions about current affairs, pupils consider different views from their own."
Please see below, to view the Headteacher's letter to parents about 2024’s Ofsted report.
Please click here, to view the school’s 2024 report on the Ofsted website.
Please click here, to be taken to Ofsted Parents View, where you can complete an online questionnaire about the school.