Typical Day
Children arrive at school, either with parents or by taxi, and join their mainstream class for registration activities and assembly.
COIN centre children will then go to their specialist teaching room– either Hedgehogs or Hawthorn (KS2) and will do English or Maths in a small group. Content is differentiated and taught using a range of strategies appropriate for children with DLD. These sessions are sometimes taught jointly with a member of the Speech and Language Therapy team.
Morning Break– children join their mainstream peers at break time. Break time is staggered for KS1 and KS2 and is currently in class bubbles.
All children join their mainstream classes for snack time whilst watching Newsround.
COIN centre children will then go to their specialist teaching room and will do either English or Maths in a small group, as detailed above.
Lunch– children join their mainstream classes for lunch, as per break time.
Topic based learning in mainstream class or in centre group. Support is provided in class as necessary and timetables adapted when required. Work is differentiated in liaison with specialist teachers and speech and language therapy team (and OT where appropriate). Universal strategies are used to support in the classroom e.g. Shape Coding, Signing support, Cued articulation, word webs.
Afternoon sessions include:
2 x 1 hour PE sessions each week (including swimming for Year 3 onwards until 25m is achieved).
1 hour Forest Schools weekly (for 1 term).
1 x hour Citizenship each week, including life skills such as First Aid, Road safety, Money
Children may also be withdrawn for specific interventions in the centre and/or Speech and Language Therapy sessions.
Timetables and arrangements are reviewed regularly and adapted where needed. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach!